Thursday, March 19, 2009

Childs Play in the Garden

Gene is diligently working to grow a pretty large garden this year and he's enlisted all of the girls to help him. This day, they worked almost all day, literally, on their hands and knees down each row plucking the Bermuda grass sprigs out of the loosened dirt. They were tired and dirty and never complained once all day. At the end of the day Gene turned on the sprinkler to water their seeds and the girls just couldn't resist. It was such a pleasure to watch them running through the water, laughing and playing with each other. I just had to share these.


Recovering Noah said...

Thanks, Jennifer, for the sweet comment about Noah!!!

Am envious of your garden. We'll be lucky if we can grow tomatoes this year!

Leslie :-)

Anonymous said...

I looooovvvvveee the pics! Looks you're going to have a wonderful garden :)

Miss you,

Dreama said...

That looks like so much fun!!!