Ok, I've read enough of these to know that I am NOT writing my first one today. I'm NOT, I refuse to bore you to tears with my daily happenings.
I'm NOT sitting here blogging while my 7 year old continues to work on her math paper for 2nd hour and still has over half of it to go. She is now singing the "Hiney" song to her sister. I'm NOT sitting her doing nothing while she does this.
I did NOT just blow my nose 160 times (that's how many tissues were in the box)today due to an allergy attack.
I did NOT just let another day go by that I didn't either do my Jillian Michael's workout dvd or walk on my treadmill. The day is NOT completely over yet, so there's still hope, but NOT much.
I am NOT extremely jealous (but proud) that someone on my weightloss blog has posted that she lost 9 pounds this week! I really am NOT at all jealous, covetous, or envious of her. I truly AM VERY proud of her. Really I am.
I am NOT still sitting her in my pj's (from last night) typing this when I have to be at a soccer meeting in less than an hour.
I knew I shouldn't have done this. Now you know the truth. NOT.....